Each year, American children miss over 22 million days of school thanks to the flu, colds and other infections. Surprised? You shouldn’t be — a whopping 70% of teachers say their classrooms are not regularly disinfected by custodians, and over half report spending their own money and time cleaning to reduce the number of...Read More
Most facility managers are familiar with Green Seal certified cleaning supplies and paper products, but many are unaware that hand cleaners can also earn the eco-friendly certification. Just like those created for paper and other janitorial products, Green Seal standards for hand washes are based on comprehensive life-cycle research and guarantee that the products are...Read More
Without regular cleaning, dust can quickly make its way into every nook and cranny in your work space. These inorganic and organic particles are mostly made of dead skin cells, but they can also contain pesticides, lead and other toxic substances. When movement or airflow disturb the dust, these dangerous pollutants can be inhaled, which...Read More
It’s graduation season — a time filled with excitement, possibilities and celebrations! We love the Simply You photo graduation invitations from Carlson Craft. Check them out here and stop in DP Supply, Inc. to stock up on everything else you need to throw a successful party!Read More
In celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd, the experts here at DP Supply, Inc. are offering our top tips for greening your life! The spring season gives people and the planet a fresh start, and a spirit of renewal and rebirth goes hand in hand with being a good steward for the environment. This spring,...Read More
Spring is right around the corner, and it is the best time to take proactive measures to make your office, school, hospital or facility cleaner and more attractive all year long. Taking good care of your space also boosts employee morale and creates an outstanding first impression for new clients and visitors. Follow these tips...Read More
Here at DP Supply, Inc., we are committed to offering the very best floor cleaning equipment from top manufacturers in the industry. Our wide selection of floor scrubbers and sweepers makes it easy for your obtain the cleaning power you need at prices you can afford. Ideal for any market, these floor cleaning machines can...Read More
Don’t let your facility turn into a breeding ground for the flu or colds this year. Follow this guide to cleaning common points of contact with disinfectant wipes to reduce the risk of infection in your space. Hand Railings As you clean your floors, wipe down hand railings throughout your facility. They are touched frequently...Read More
It’s that time of year again — time for bright lights strung across the conference room, pies in the break room and your annual office holiday event. If you’re feeling festive this year, embrace these ideas to host a fun, relaxing and memorable office party. 1. Host a Potluck Potlucks give your team a chance...Read More
Let’s be honest: unless there’s a large mess or stain on your carpet, you don’t spend too much time cleaning it. You run the vacuum over it once a day or a few times a week, and you’re good, right? Unfortunately, proper carpet care isn’t that simple. Carpets can really take a beating, and over...Read More