We are open Mon-Fri 8:00 - 4:30. Please call us at 1-800-821-2389 if you have questions about our current inventory.
We are open Mon-Fri 8:00 - 4:30. Please call us at 1-800-821-2389 if you have questions about our current inventory.


COVID-19 infections caused by the delta variant are rising cross the US, and many facility managers are wondering how their cleaning protocols should change in response. The good news is that the CDC guidance on cleaning and disinfecting most facilities has not changed. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces with EPA-registered List N disinfectants continues to be...
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Schools across the country are getting ready to (finally!) welcome back students. Cleaning processes will continue to play a big role in safety and comfort levels for parents, teachers and staff, and your restrooms can be a key to your school’s cleanliness. Follow these tips to make sure the school year gets off to a...
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ProTeam backpack vacuums are essential tools for essential workers – making it easier to do your job without sacrificing quality or productivity. These innovative vacuums save time and money while improving cleaning, but their relative “newness” means we know a lot of our customers still have questions about them. Keep reading to learn the answers...
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When “green” cleaning supplies first started hitting the shelves years ago, consumers often (rightfully!) questioned their efficacy, environmental claims and how many different products they would need to finish their to-do lists. Fast-forward to today, and with manufacturers like EnvirOx, you can trust that products you are choosing are indeed effective, more eco-friendly and powerful...
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Experiencing floor finish troubles? We’ve got answers! This guide outlines common issues faced when applying or maintaining floor finish, along with their best solutions. Problem: Floor finish looks streaky. This issue can be caused by a number of factors. Too little polish in the mop during application can cause streaks. If that’s the case, scrub...
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The coronavirus pandemic has thrust the cleaning industry into the center stage, and the public is hyper-aware of the role facility managers and cleaning teams play in protecting health and safety. While cleaning for appearance may have been sufficient long ago, the public understands that even surfaces that look clean can still host dangerous germs...
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Dust mopping is an important task for keeping your facility safe and clean. Follow these five steps to effectively remove dust and debris from your facility’s high-traffic areas. 1. Prep for dust mopping. Make a regular schedule, and stick to it. The schedule you set will depend largely on your facility’s needs and the amount...
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As cleaning professionals, we’ve always been concerned with creating and maintaining healthier, cleaner indoor environments. The coronavirus pandemic has heightened that call, and we know that cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection will remain at the forefront for businesses, residences and public buildings. Focusing on floors is one of the ways we can reduce the spread of...
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Regular floor scrubbing is essential for maintaining hardwood floors in large spaces. When it comes to keeping your lobby area, gym floor or other space beautiful, durable and safe, a little bit of regular maintenance can go a long way. While floor scrubbing can add shine, resilience and years to your hardwood floor and finish,...
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Spring is nearly here, and we can’t wait to start spending more time outdoors. Help your yard and deck look their best for the new season by using our Solo sprayers to apply pre-emergent herbicides and get rid of mold and mildew.  Built tough and made to last, these Solo sprayers are the first choice...
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